
2019 ACT Flag Bearer

Published Sun 17 Mar 2019

Dragon Boat ACT is proud to announce Jackie Girvan as our Flag Bearer for the 2019 AusChamps. Jackie commenced paddling in 2002 and was awarded Life Membership of the NAVMAT Dragon Boat Club in 2015. Jackie has been a sweep since 2005, is one of the coaches who mentors new and junior paddlers, and is a qualified AusDBF Official. Jackie was part of the Canberra Titans who competed as a joint ACT team at the Penrith Nationals in 2007-2008. Jackie was a member of the ACT State team from 2005–2011, and coached the ACT Senior C crew in 2011 who won a silver medal. Jackie is actively engaged with the ACT paddling community, mentoring the school teams, accrediting new sweeps, assisting with Corporate team sessions and regularly volunteering at the annual Dragons Abreast Canberra Corporate regatta. Jackie has also paddled internationally in Penang, China and Russia.

Dragon Boat ACT thanks Jackie for her dedication, commitment and mentorship.


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