About Safety Equipment
Life jackets / Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs)
It is DBACT Policy that PFDs/Life Jackets must be worn:
- From 1st May until 1st September, unless the weather and water remain cold. In this case a longer mandatory period will be advised by DBACT.
- From sunset to sunrise, using the official Australian Government times. If your paddling session starts or finishes outside of sunset to sunrise, a PFD is required during the sunset to sunrise period. For example, if your training session starts at 6am and the sun has not risen you must wear a PFD until sunrise. If your training session commences in daylight and ends after sunset, you must wear a PFD after sunset.
- By all junior drummers and sweeps at all times. A junior is a drummer or sweep aged between 12 and 18 years.
- By any crew member who cannot swim at least 100 metres confidently whilst wearing paddling clothing.
Safety Bag Contents
Safety bag is to be secured to boat prior to leaving shore.
1 x 20 litre waterproof bag must contain:
· 1 x laminated list of safety bag contents
· 1 x laminated map of waterway
· 1 x packet Glucojel™ jelly beans *
· 1 x Ventolin-style asthma reliever *
· 1 x first aid kit (domestic-medium size) *
· 1 x white tow rope (10m-6mm diameter minimum)
· 1 x asthma spacer
· 2 x thermo accident blankets
· 1 x small plastic bag (amputated fingers etc)
· Floatable torch (torch to be easily accessible when paddling in darkness)
· Whistle
· Tweezers
· Scissors or knife
Suggested items:
· 2 x Cyalume (glow in the dark) sticks
- Communication device (as per AusDBF Sweep Guidelines and Safety Procedures)
* Asthma reliever, first aid kit, packet Glucojel jelly beans
These items are to be checked regularly for expiry date and replaced by the club when required.